Financial & Professional Services

The UK sits at the heart of the global financial community, offering world-class infrastructure, talent, and expertise, and this is why international companies choose to start and expand their businesses here. We are a world leader in mature sectors such as banking, asset management, and the insurance market, as well as developing sectors such as fintech and the international Renminbi (RMB) market.


In the UK the financial & professional services sector can be broadly divided into two group: financial services and professional services. These can be further divided into various sub-sectors. In the financial service sector, there are three key sub-sectors: banking, insurance, and capital markets/asset management.


Looking beyond the UK’s shores, the country is a key financial connector between China and the rest of the world; Chinese firms list on UK exchanges, offer bonds, and trade RMB in our markets, and the recently implemented Shanghai London Stock Connect allows the cross listing of Chinese and UK companies to access domestic investors directly.


The UK is also leading financial service centre, with the highest concentration of global financial institutions in the world. We’re home to top fintech companies, pushing financial services boundaries and attracting major global investment.


Our robust but flexible regulations encourage smooth operations and faster growth. We actively help businesses comply with the rules and bring new ideas to market.


The UK sits at the heart of the global financial community, offering world-class infrastructure, talent and expertise. This is why international companies choose to start and expand their businesses here.

Technology leader

We’re home to top financial technology (FinTech) companies, pushing financial services boundaries and attracting major global investment.

Financial hub

The UK is a leading financial service centre, with the highest concentration of global financial institutions in the world.

Flexible environment

Our robust but flexible regulations encourage smooth operations and faster growth. We actively help businesses comply with the rules and bring new ideas to market.


contributed to the UK economy by FinTech every year


people employed in UK financial services


foreign companies listed on the London Stock Exchange – the 2nd biggest exchange in the world


capital raised through issues and IPOs in 2017


UK banking sector assets in 2017


people employed in the FinTech sector

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